Now you see why Malaysia is behind the MILF-GPH Bangsamoro Framework deal. History is being rewritten right in front of your face. Bangsamoro People are now coined as "immigrants" of Sabah, instead of owners of Sabah; and the homeland of Bangsamoro People is wherever that small corner of Mindanao will be. Hilarious it may seem, but the power of journalism is not on your side. So eventually, through time, the Bangsamoro People will disappear in the literature in the future. That is the cost of your factionalism. Read more about this controversial news at ... THE TALE OF THE TWO TRAVELERS: GOOD versus EVIL. While the MNLF travels around the world to advocate the human rights of the Muslims in Bangsamoro Land; the MILF travels around the world to help the Malaysians in deporting and uprooting the Bangsamoro People out of their homeland Sabah.
Picture below is Murad (left), leader of MILF.
DEPOPULATION: THE MALAYSIAN STRATEGY First, Malaysia is uprooting the Bangsamoro People in Sabah. Then, they will conduct a Referendum or Plebiscite to ask the residents where they would like to give the sovereignty over of Sabah. With purely Malaysian population, vacationers, and natural resource exploiters in Sabah, there will be a sure win for Malaysia. Nice trick, but very obvious. What would I say if I can speak to the Bangsamoro People in Sabah? I would tell them, "You are already branded as illegal immigrant of Sabah. Once you leave Sabah homeland for whatever reason, it is most likely that your Malaysian visa application back to Sabah will be denied, trust me, you can never return to Sabah". PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT INVOLVED? The Philippine government (GPH) recently signed a Bangsamoro Framework peace deal with the MILF. The event was prominently participated in by Malaysia. Now we are looking at a possible Malaysia-MILF-GPH collaboration on the Sabah issue. There is a possibility that the Administration of President Noy Aquino has already taken money under the table to facilitate the turn-over of Sabah to Malaysia. With Malaysia paying-off to finally get sovereignty over Sabah, it seems to appear that we have an Aquino-Murad pay-off sharing scheme. THE MNLF POSITION ON SABAH MNLF's position on Sabah issue is consistent. The ownership of Sabah belongs to the Bangsamoro People, particularly the Tausugs. The Sulu Sultanate, as owners of Sabah, leased Sabah to North Borneo Company in 1876 -- one hundred years after, the P75,000 Pesos/Month lease already expired in 1976. Malaysia is now illegally occupying Sabah as a result of its extended stay after it assumed to finish the lease term of of the North Borneo Company over Sabah. At present, MNLF is looking at the possibility of leasing Sabah either to China or USA or both for a rough estimate of P100 Billion Pesos per year. THE OFFERING OF SABAH TO MALAYSIA Respecting the principle of right of first refusal, last 29 June 2012, the MNLF already offered a lease renegotiation of Sabah to Malaysia, but after the first meeting in the Malaysian Embassy, Malaysia showed disinterest to renew the lease agreement; and we have this impression that Malaysia thinks they have all the advantage to steal ownership and sovereignty of Sabah being the current illegal occupant. They said: "we have a long list of Sulu Sultans who claim Sabah and time is in our favor", which means the increasingly multiple-claimant scenario is a wind that blows to their favor through time. The offer to Malaysia was never really tendered with hopeful spirit because we know that Malaysia would never renegotiate to pay the correct lease amount if they can keep on occupying and exploiting the natural resources Sabah by (1) paying a few millions to the Sulu Sultants, (2) paying a few billions under-the-table to the corrupt politicians in the Philippine government, and (3) paying a few billions to the leaders of the MILF who have the capability to use ISLAM to put cloud on the eyes of the Bangsamoro People. We achieved two things in that event of offering Sabah lease renegotiation to Malaysia, (1) we have done the procedure of respecting right of first refusal, and because they are not interested, (2) we are now ready to offer Sabah for lease to the other clients (US and CHINA). WHY IS MALAYSIA INVESTING IN MINDANAO? The hidden objective is to provide greener pasture for the Bangsamoro People that they call "illegal immigrants" in Sabah. With the facilitation of MILF and Philippine Government, the Malaysians will put up various businesses in Mindanao and offer big salaries to Bangsamoro People living in Sabah should they decide to go back to Mindanao. Malaysia will use injustice, persecution, threats, and incentive to systematically uproot and depopulate the Bangsamoro People in Sabah. That is how the MILF-GPH-Malaysia Bangsamoro Framework Deal is connected to the Sabah issue. QUESTION: Is it bad for the Bangsamoro People of Mindanao if Malaysian Corporations will invest in Mindanao? ANSWER: No, it's not bad, as long as the employment (from simple employees to management) that will be generated by these businesses is exclusive only for Bangsamoro People especially persons born and currently residing in Mindanao. It should not be used to lure and uproot the Bangsamoro People in Sabah. ECONOMIC USE OF SABAH The annual income from lease will be used by the MNLF to develop the political, economic, and social independence of the Bangsamoro Republic (covering Mindanao, Sulu, Palawan, Sabah). The land-use of the lease of Sabah to USA or China will be restricted to Economic Use. The new tenant will provide assistance to the MNLF to recover possession of Sabah for proper turn-over to its new tenant. While Sabah is on lease, Sabah ramains part of the sovereign territory of the Bangsamoro People. IS PHILIPPINES A POSSIBLE NEW TENANT OF SABAH? Is Philippines a possible tenant of Sabah? No. Philippines is too poor to afford the lease, and too cruel to respect the owners of Sabah. They have no respect for the people of Sulu. It is more likely that Philippines would rather continue using their power to inflict poverty on the Bangsamoro People, and put the Tasusugs into extinction so they can claim ownership of Sabah or they can take under-the-table money from Malaysia. So, you have to remove Philippines out of the equation -- they are just greedy nuisance. PHILIPPINES and MALAYSIA WORKING TOGETHER If MNLF succeeds in recovering the independence of Bangsamoro Land (Mindanao, Sulu, Palawan, and Sabah), Malaysia will lose its colonial occupation over Sabah and Philippines will lose its colonial occupation on Mindanao, Sulu and Palawan. That is why they help each other in suppressing the MNLF for the last 40 years. These two nations, Malaysia and Philippines, use the MILF to smear dirt of terrorism on the face of the Bangsamoro People, smear dirt on Islam, and ensure that homeland Mindanao is war-torn, malnourished, uneducated, and poor so they will become weak and unable to fight for their freedom.
Mindanao, Sulu, Palawan and Sabah are territories of the Bangsamoro Nation. MNLF is the army of the Bangsamoro Nation. Mindanao, Sulu and Palawan is presently colonized by Philippines. Sabah is presently colonized by Malaysia. MNLF works to liberate Mindanao, Sulu, Palawan and Sabah from its colonizers. Malaysia and Philippines are colonizers who work together as a team against the MNLF. Malaysia uses its money and Philippines uses is domestic mobilization capacity to bribe small groups such as MILF, Abu Sayyaf, and 15EC to infiltrate and factionalize MNLF. We are all aware of this.
Instead of Malaysia paying P100Billion lease to Bangsamoro to be received by the Official Receipt of the Philippine Government, they only pay some crooks in Malacanang with less than P5Billion under the table to help them continue their illegal occupation in Sabah.
If ever MNLF successfully recover Sabah (through the help of China), MNLF will be able to collect P100Billion rent per year and as the money enters Philippines, we pay the Philippine Government (with Official Receipt) a fee of incoming remittance of around P10Billion per year. If ever this when happen, the crooks in Malacanang will no longer be receiving the their under-the-table P5Billion, so you see, Malacanang will do everything FOR ILL-GOTTEN MONEY at the expense of the Filipino People.
Do you know how much is P10Billion that Philippine Government loses from this corruption? P10Billion is equivalent to 40,000 school classrooms that could have been built in Mindanao each year.
The bulk of the rent (around P100Billion) that enters Mindanao is a lot of money to help provide economic stimulus and capital to small and medium businesses in agriculture, fishery, and trade. This is the reason why MNLF is struggling because we know that Mindanao is losing a lot of money because of corruption. In this struggle, we have lost so many lives of revolutionaries already.
WHAT THE TAUSUGS MUST DO? If the current trend will continue, the Tausug and also the Bangsamoro People will disappear in history and their children will be scattered as poor people all over the world. My advise is simple. The current generation leaders (young and old) of the Tausugs must gather themselves together and see to it that everyone is aware of the issue at hand. After awareness, there should be a formation of a Sabah Recovery Council. Once the Council is ready, let's meet so I can answer all your questions and walk you through the lease negotiation process. The negotiation, in my estimate, will last for about 17-24 months, but the result will be worth the wait. Once the client (China or USA) signs the lease contract, the taking back of Sabah will come easy -- we have the manpower, they will provide the logistics and equipment. What to do with the rent once you start receiving it? That's your discretion, it's none of my business, but I would suggest you use it for the highest and best benefit of the Bangsamoro People. Money will pass, we will all die, but we should have a valuable legacy to the next generation. WILL THE NEW TENANT OF SABAH HELP ESTABLISH AN INDEPENDENT BANGSAMORO NATION? ANSWER: Yes. They will provide whatever you need once you are "decided" to establish it -- decision means a people with absolute willingness to fight and possibly die for freedom. The problem now is the factions are not 100% decided to push for independence -- admittedly, there are still many MNLFs with hands extended to beg for political positions and indebted with favors from their colonizer. Another problem is the people is malnourished, uneducated, poor, and lack of intellect to discern what is right and wrong -- how can they become fine soldiers if they can't even detect who their friends are and who their enemies are, and they can tolerate fellows who work for the other side (such as the MILF). WHAT TO DO WITH THE SULU SULTANS? Any one among the Sulu Sultans (with an S meaning plural) who continue receiving independently and separately from Malaysia for Sabah's hold-over lease payments, must be put to a public trial by the Tausugs. The lease of Sabah should be between 50-100 Billion Pesos and must be benefited by ALL TAUSUGS especially those who live in SULU. If these Sulu Sultans are receiving a few millions from Malaysia, they are actually creating a faction among the People of Sulu, making it difficult to renegotiate the lease or propose the lease to the new tenant, and this is a big disadvantage to the people of Sulu. You have a scenario now wherein few Sultans are receiving few millions from Malaysia at the expense of the power of the People of Sulu to collect the correct current lease value of Sabah of around 50-100 Billion Pesos. They wear Sultan costume, then receive few millions for their own pocket, while for almost 40 years already the people of Sulu have nothing to eat and the Mujihadeens of the MNLF are dying for lack of logistics in resisting the colonizers -- there is clear injustice to that. Don't you have social justice in the Muslim world? HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE TO NEGOTIATE SABAH LEASE TO CHINA AND/OR USA? It will take at least 17 months, starting the day the Sabah Recovery Council of the Tausugs signs a broker authorization. The 17 represents the 17 provisions in the Lease Contract. Each single provision will be diligently developed for a month, meaning, two weeks will be allotted for the broker to meet the Council to arrive at a proposition and then two weeks will be allotted to present and negotiate it with the prospective tenant. There will be an appointment coordination office and lot of travel back and forth. Negotiation is one thing that is tedious, and if ever the lease agreement is finally signed, the processing of budget release is another tedious process. The question now is, when will the Tausugs start and finish collecting themselves from a scattered jigsaw puzzle to successfully form the Sabah Recovery Council? Mind you, Malaysia will be infiltrating the Tausugs and will do everything to sabotage and prevent the formation of the Sabah Recovery Council. Suggestion: you can put 10 hens in one room and they can easily live side-by-side in harmony; but 10 roosters in one room is an endless rivalry. Hens care more for the children (the next generation), compared to roosters who just care about their ego. Nevertheless, the roosters must be ready because at the moment the lease contract is signed, they will have a patriotic task to go to war to recover Sabah. WHAT IS THE MALAYSIAN FEDERATION PLAN? It is an invisible plan, meaning, rarely you can find literature about this except from high profile intelligence officers of the MNLF, MILF, and the Philippine Government. I myself know very little about the detail of this stuff. The original Malaysian Federation Plan only covers the occupation and taking in of Sabah into the Malaysian sovereignty. The plan expanded to cover the island of Basilan and Zamboanga Peninsula as the MILF wanted itself to join the Malaysian Federation. The greatest opponent of the Malaysian Federation plan is the MNLF because the MNLF is pushing for national independence of the Bangsamoro People covering Mindanao, Sulu, Palawan and Sabah. MNLF is loyal to the independence of the Bangsamoro Nation and it resists any form of colonial rule. The Philippine society, in general, is unaware of this. Though, there are "traitors" in the Philippine government who helps the MILF and Malaysia push this so called Malaysian Federation Plan. These "traitors" take money from Malaysia and their task is to ensure that the MNLF is undermined and disempowered to clip the resistance. HOW BIG IS SABAH and WHAT IS ITS LAND VALUE IF SOLD? Sabah has around 76,115 square kilometers of land mass area. Sabah is three days away from Malaysia by boat, but only 30 minutes away from Sulu islands by boat. If you can imagine the size of Mindanao, the size of Sabah is almost the same. If the entire Sabah is to be offered for sale as a private property of the Tausugs, it should not go below 175 Thrillion Pesos -- no nation in the world can afford it in a single outright payment. HOW DOES MALAYSIA MAKES REAL ESTATE MONEY IN SABAH? Lands in Sabah don't have land title because of the usual ignorance of the owners of Sabah (the Tausugs) about real estate laws. The Malaysians who occupy Sabah assign leaseholds to the real estate developers and users in Sabah and collect an undocumented lease under-the-table of 23 Pesos per square meters per month. The Malaysian methodology is quite simple, first they illegally occupy Sabah, then put in place their corrupt law enforcers to show a pseudo-sovereignty, put in place some dummy government ministers, and collect real estate user dues from the people at 23 Pesos per square meters per month. It's like a professional squatter operation if you compare it in some places in urban Philippines. Estimated at 1 percent land use (meaning they only collect rent from 1% of the total land area of Sabah), at 23 Pesos per square meter per month would make the Malaysians get an estimated easy money of 485 Billion Pesos a year. With that amount of money, they can afford the signature of the Philippine President Marcos to murder its own soldiers in the so called Jabidah Massacre, and they can afford to get the signature of Philippine President Noy Aquino to the empower the MILF in a so called MILF-GPH Bangsamoro Framework. I pity the true owners of the land, the people of Sulu, now living in poverty. IS SABAH OWNED BY THE SULTAN AND ITS HEIRS? No. Sabah was given by Brunei to the "warriors" from the Sultanate of Sulu led by the ascendant of Nur. P. Misuari, who volunteered to travel to Brunei to reinforce the Brunei King's army while at the verge of fall due to internal rebellion. Sabah was given as a gratuity gift to those warriors, it was not given to the Sultan of Sulu. After it was given as a gift, half of those warriors stayed for good in Sabah, and the other half returned to Sulu -- one of the prominent descendant is now Nur P. Misuari, founder and leader of the MNLF. The Sultan of Sulu is the mere signatory of the lease agreement of Sabah to North Borneo British Company; he signed as a legal entity in behalf of its owners, but he does not personally own Sabah. So, claiming Sabah ownership by tracing the lineage of the Sultan of Sulu is not the proper way to do it, it is wrong, and the wrong way is what is being done by Malaysia and Philippines to counter the claim of its true owners. Those half of the warriors who stayed in Sabah are still there in Sabah and they've been there since 1878. The heirs of these warriors are still in Sabah now, they are a Tausug community there, being persecuted by the Malaysian authorities, and now the MILF is helping Malaysia in uprooting these people from Sabah to deport them to Sulu. HOW IS NUR MISUARI and THE SULTANS FAIRLY TREATED BY THE SABAH LEASE BROKER? In the special project of Sabah PREMS Deal, we have two sides of the transaction. Left side the Principal Lessor (Tausugs - Muedzal Kiram, Nur Misuari, et. al.) and on the right side the Prospective Principal Lessee (Malaysia and/or China and/or USA). The function of the Broker is to ensure that professional DUE DILIGENCE procedure is followed at the left side and the right side of the transaction. One thing clear, the Broker is an MNLF, and as such, he will look over the interest of MNLF being the army of the Tausugs and Bangsamoro People. However in this particular project, Nur Misuari and any of the Sultans are treated fairly and professionally as CLAIMANTS on the Principal Lessor side of the transaction. No one will skip the due diligence process, no short-cuts, meaning, all claimants will pass through proper procedure and documentation on identity verification, relationship verification, and claim adjudication. Is the Sabah PREMS Deal an imprimatur of Nur Misuari? The answer is NO. The Broker has independently made a research and found out that Sabah ownership belongs to the Warriors of Sulu -- this not an idea that was fed by Nur Misuari to the Broker. Warriors of Sulu, meaning, Nur Misuari could be a part of the heirs of the Warriors of Sulu, Sultan Muedzal Kiram could be part of the heirs of the warriors, and so is MANY OTHERS who are yet to make an appointment to meet with the Broker to discuss the prospectus of the Deal -- everyone will be treated FAIRLY. On the Lessee side of the transaction, there will be a proper bidding. There will be no price discrimination. We will close a deal with the party (or parties) that will render the best and highest benefit for the Tausugs and the Bangsamoro People. Philippines? Yes they can come talk to the Broker to file a claim; but they better be ready with a good explanation why they are putting the Tausugs into extinction. The Broker will neither honor, nor respect, any third party to meddle in between the Broker and the Claimant. So please, if you are a claimant, contact the Broker DIRECTLY, face-to-face, without any middleman. The procedure is the same on the Lessee side, direct contact, no middlemen.
ANSWER: Why ask me, I am not Malaysia. Ask Malaysia. But since you already asked, perhaps you want to know how I see Malaysia's policy from my own perception and opinion.
In my study, I picked up four Malaysia policies/strategy with regards to handling the Tausug's claim on Sabah:
(1) Silence the issue. This is done by bribing the media and the Philippine Government. One of the evidences is the Memorandum of former President Gloria Arroyo in 2008 mandating all government agency to be SILENT on the Sabah issue. Some officers of the MNLF were also utilized to tell me to shut down my noisy blogs.
(2) Keep the Tausug poor and politically powerless. This is done by bribing the administration of the Philippine Government, and by using the MILF and Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) to ensure that investors will get scared in Sulu and in entire Mindanao.
(3) Depopulate and uproot the Tausugs in Sabah. This is done by terrorising the Tausugs in Sabah and by facilitating Malaysian investments in Mindanao to facilitate their return to Mindanao.
(4) Create and maintain a multiple-claimant scenario. This is done by creating, feeding the desire of royalty, and providing appropriate costumes and international recognition to SEVERAL Sulu Sultan claimants separately and make them compete/fight each other over the issue on who the rightful Sultan is.
ANSWER: You can easily spot an MNLF and MILF by just asking the person about the meaning of Moro.
If the person would define Moro as exclusive Muslims, that is MILF. MILFs have Islamic superiority complex. When MILF rules Bangsamoro Land (Mindanao, Sulu, Palawan), they will cut the heads of all non-Muslims in these areas.
If the person would define Moro as people born in Mindanao, Sulu, Palawan, and Sabah, that person is a Genuine MNLF. The MNLF has egalitarian ideology which respects and promotes the harmonious co-existence of people in one space despite their differences in religion, race, ethnic origin.
ANSWER: There are over 50,000 undocumented children (no birth certificate, no passport) born in Sabah from Filipino/Bangsamoro parent. Because they don't have identity and citizenship documents, they were not admitted to school and they are now uneducated. As early as age ten, Malaysian operated plantations hire these undocumented children as laborers in the farms, even casually raping some of them whenever they want to.
MNLF wants the Philippine Consular Services and Malaysian Consular Services to conduct a joint outreach services in Sabah to document these children. MNLF also wants the international NGOs to help these children get a decent life.
MILF is helping Malaysia in UPROOTING these undocumented children and their parents away from Sabah and make them "captured voters" in ARMM. Malaysia thinks that removing the Bangsamoro/Filipino people in Sabah will weaken our claim on Sabah.
UPROOTING, according to the United Nations, is a violation of human rights. We are talking about 800,000 people in Sabah that Malaysia wants to uproot.
The administration of President Noy Aquino, the MILF, and Malaysia are "PARTNERS" in the Bangsamoro Framework and these three work together in the uprooting of the people away from Sabah. The role of the MILF-PNoyAdmin is to "lure" the Sabah population with a "PROMISE OF GOOD LIFE" in Mindanao.
Murad's faction of the MILF believes that peace and order situation can make or unmake a person migrate. Now I know their strategy, MILF will make it seem to appear that peace and order is restored in Mindanao, then Malaysia will disturb the peace and order in Sabah, singling out the Tausugs such as this Lahad Datu stage show, with an objective to effect the UPROOTING of the Tausugs from Sabah.
ANSWER: Thanks for the question. Nothing. It has no effect on the operations and principle of the PREMS.
QUESTION: Hi there. Is it true that some of MNLF troops are heading to Sabah?
ANSWER: Not a single one MNLF is going to Sabah. As I said, the MNLF has nothing to do with the ongoing chaos in Sabah.
The media in Philippines and Malaysia are the ones creating the bandwagon propaganda and they are trying to implicate the MNLF in that terroristic act of the Private Army of Jamalul Kiram III (PAJAK3).
There is an influential group in Philippines who wants to reclaim Sabah but they don't have the manpower and they are just couch potato oligarchs in Manila. This group got frustrated because the Philippine Government is not responding to the situation with military action. So, this group look at MNLF as the one who will do the invasion.
They also used the media to entice the "fraternity spirit" of the MNLF and they are hoping some would go there to aid PAJAK3 and eventually create a snowball of MNLFs going to Sabah.
Another means that they use is creating a "cloud" (mimicry, pseudo MNLF) leader of the MNLF who will self-proclaim as leader of MNLF and will order the invasion.
All of their techniques to implicate MNLF are not taking effect. The MNLF have its own timeline regarding Sabah and we are not dipping our finger into this PAJAK3 because we know that this is just a Malaysian black ops.
QUESTION: Is there any evidence of who the followers of the PAJAK3 are? Are they just people from Sulu?
ANSWER: No evidence on the identity that they are from Sulu. Not even picture of the face of the beach boys. If you notice, the alleged pictures of all dead beach boys are faced down. They also don't have a list of names of the beach boys.